Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So much to write so little time!

So first off, I did not go to Mexico as a class outreach due to internationals in our school and visa complications. Which is totally fine! We had a local outreach in the Springs and Denver. We helped move in refugees annnnndddd also rang a bell in front of Wal-Mart for the Salvation Army for quite awhile.. and of course much more!

I am...... done with projects!!! Just finished our last homework assignment last night. Or should I say this morning? My partner and I stayed up until about 1AM finishing it. haha

Anyways, I am doing well! Mom and Nana came to visit me this past weekend and it was really fun. Plus, I got a lot of shopping done in preparation for Nepal too. Good good weekend.

I am spending Thanksgiving in Oklahoma with my friend Beth's family. We'll drive Wednesday afternoon. I'm so excited for a break! But I'm even more excited about going overseas in less than two weeks. I can't wait to travel with Jesus to

Time is literally flying over here... and I don't quite know what I'll do after my DTS but I'll post more when I do know.

FYI I will not have a phone overseas but I will be able to email through 'First Class' download it and talk to me. :) Also, if I haven't been in touch that much it isn't because I've forgotten about you!!! I love you all and miss everyone very very much. And I think of y'all often.
This has just been a time of focus for me.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
